Lisi Garcia Cisek

Lisi Garcia Cisek - Associate Executive Coach (Japan) - Emotional intelligence, Leadership, Work-life balance

Associate Executive Coach (Japan)

Special interests - Emotional intelligence, Leadership, Work-life balance

Lisi is an Executive Coach and Search Inside Yourself (SIY) Teacher with a Global Executive MBA. 

Former Managing Director at TBWA/Media Arts Lab (China), her specialism is to teach and scale emotional intelligence, mindfulness and effective leadership within organisations. She is also focused on helping her coachees manage burnout and achieve work-life balance. 

Lisi’s style is empathetic and highly intuitive. Her clients include Unilever, P&G, Apple, Volkswagen Group and the US Army. 

Lisi is based in Tokyo. Outside of her coaching practice, she is also an Integrative Health and Wellness Coach, a Yoga Instructor and Mother to her young daughter.