How to support Muslim employees this Ramadan

With Ramadan just around the corner, it’s important that we start thinking about Muslim employees and the things that companies can do to support them during this time: 

1. Create an open dialogue so that they can safely and confidently share their needs with you. 

2. Remember that Muslims don’t all approach Ramadan in the same way and that any adjustments made should be tailored to individuals. 

3. Fasting employees are likely to be tired, hungry and dehydrated, especially towards the end of the afternoon. They may benefit from extra breaks, earlier starts and earlier finishes. 

4. Because the Islamic calendar is lunar, dates may change, meaning Muslim employees might need to request time off at short notice. It’s important that managers are aware and prepared for this possibility. 

5. When planning meetings or events, be mindful of timings. Where possible, try to avoid planning them later in the day or in the evenings. Ensure that Muslims feel empowered to opt out of activities if they wish and that in doing so they won’t be disadvantaged in any way. 

6. Lastly, make sure that other employees are aware when Ramadan falls and how this could impact on their Muslim colleagues.


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